Gul Sanobar is an Indian fantasy adventure television series created by Dhirubhai Gohil which aired on DD national from 1999 to 2000. It is based on the Persian legend of Gul o Sanaubar and the Arabian Nights.
Rupesh D Gohil
Farooq Barelvi
Asif Sheikh as Shehzada Tamaas of Hindustan Seema Kapoor as Mehrangez Parikshit Sahni as Sultan of Hindustan Ranjeet as Veer Singh the commander of Hindustan Vindu Dara Singh as Turki Saeed Jaffery Pradeep Rawat Vinod Kapoor Nimay Bali as Jhigala Deep Dhilon as Zargam Shiva Arjun (Firoz Khan) as Almaas
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